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Frequently asked questions

I am regularly asked the same or similar questions around how I work and who I am so here is a number of the most frequent that I am asked

How do I know that you can help me?

I am trained and qualified within case management, information providing and risk assessment. I always offer a free consultation which provides not only an opportunity for you to get to know myself but also provides the time for me to assess your situation to make sure that what services I provide fit and suit your circumstances. 

One of my strengths is being able to adapt and to work flexibly to meet a person's needs but the most important thing is that if the services I provide are not suitable I will say and help to refer and signpost you to others that are.  

Where are you based?

I am mainly based in Liverpool in the UK but travel around the country to meet face - face and also can travel abroad. I have a number of premises where I can meet people privately. 

I also work with people very easily online using such platforms as Zoom.

Due to the way that I work nothing is lost when speaking remotely.  

When can i expect to notice a difference?

Every person and individual is different with some issues taking longer than others to resolve. 

Due to this reason, I don't tell people what they should expect or feel. 

However most if not all who i have worked with state that they have noticed a difference after just their first 1-hour session even if it has been that they feel more positive and relaxed. 

Who do you work with and do you work with high profile clients?

I work with anyone who would like help and support on the areas that my services cover such as improving self-esteem, confidence, reducing anxiety and nerves, team building, family issues, addiction and increasing personal performance. 

This does include high profile clients, TV and sports personalities and celebrities.

I work with a very strong ethic around confidentiality and this is the main reason why you will not see me talking about who I am working with and the success we have had except from when the person has already confirmed this themselves. 

When have you ever had to deal with pressure?

Most people will have a good understanding of working or performing under pressure and how they have reacted to it. 

For me I have often held roles were working under huge amounts of perceived pressure is required and probably no more so than when working for the police where I was involved within a number of real life or death situations and not only where my safety was at risk but those who I was also responsible for as a supervisor.

Some believe that you must have had to been in a specific situation to understand the pressure involved and how to reduce it which is completely untrue and not how pressure works.

How can I book an appointment? 

Getting in contact with myself and gaining more information on how I work or to book and appointment couldn't be easier. 

My contact details are available on this site which include my Email, Phone number and social media details 

There is also a contact form available on this site and a live chat option.

My purpose 

Matt Andrews at Ronnie O'sullivans shop

To be professional 

To provide a safe, confidential and secure place that is trusted and respected where people can develop and change unwanted habits and strive for success 
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